Immortalise every second of your show, production, gig, show, or event.

Our industry-leading team has the expertise required to immortalise every second of your production, gig, show, or event. So many people have worked hard to get it to this point, it deserves to be recorded in the best way possible.

Our team has over 50 years combined experience in capturing live events. We know we can rise to any challenge that is thrown at us.

We have honed a method of producing films which uses cutting edge technology to ensure that the quality of our content is world-class, without wasting the budget on anything unnecessary.

Increase your potential audience to seven billion

Imagine if your audience wasn’t limited by geography and venue capacity, but instead was available to every single person with an interest in the content.

Well, you're in luck!

We can assist with everything from planning to distribution of a digital video of your event – worldwide, world-class.

Live-streamed or pre-recorded

The world of technology is constantly evolving and improving, allowing for more options when it comes to distribution. Live-streaming, which used to be solely reserved for those with television budgets, is now a legitimate option for any event. This allows producers to instantly stream their products across the globe.

Alternatively, prerecording and traditional editing offers a huge amount of options when it comes to refining your film, making sure every shot is perfect.

Eight Engines can help you workshop the best way for you to showcase your work.

Jaw Dropping Visuals

Our team pride ourselves on creating beautiful products. From close-ups that capture every wrinkle of emotion, to vast sweeping wide shots: we can create a finished product that shows your event in the best possible light.

Keep all the rights to your product

Unlike many other large event capture companies, we do not retain any rights to the finished product – everything we capture remains squarely your property to do with as you please and if you monetise it you will retain 100% of the profits.

The Eight Engines live team understand the world of theatre.

We have over 15 years experience in capturing unforgettable moments, bringing the magic of the stage to the screen. We work with theatres and arts organisations across the UK and internationally to create bespoke and affordable packages tailored to any situation. Alongside live capturing of shows we have a long history producing marketing content and cinematic trailers to engage audiences and boost ticket sales.

Featured Work

Live Production Projects

Due to distribution rights, we are unable to host full videos of theatre performances on our website. Please click on the photos to see screenshots from each project or get in touch to find out more.

We are a one-stop shop when it comes to live performance media

We can scale up and down to meet the size of any project and have extensive experience managing shoots with up to ten camera teams for cinema distribution, down to archiving shows with a simple two camera set up and anywhere in between. We offer a full range of services and our highly accomplished team can assist with anything and everything your project may require.

We take over the planning, the shooting, then post production and can advise you on the distribution of the finished film.

We have extensive experience working in theatres and understand how stressful an environment it can be. With this in mind, we always try to be as self-contained as possible, creating minimal interference to the logistics of the show. We are also more than happy to work alongside a live audience.

Featured Work

Theatre Marketing Projects


Are you looking to record or stream your event? Contact us to discuss how we can help

Video Production Experts for Manchester and Beyond

Video Production Manchester - Live



Get in touch

Send us an email or give us a call and one of our friendly producers will get back in touch with you within 24 hours.

At this stage we can give you general advice on:

  • The performance schedule
  • The creative approach
  • Budgetary options
  • Shooting plans
  • Any general film-making questions you may have.

Discovery meeting

In the early stages of the project we can arrange a Project Discovery Meeting, laying the foundations for success and allowing everyone involved in the project to build a strong and collective understanding of what is required.

During this meeting we can discuss:

  • The creative direction of the project
  • The number of and location of cameras
  • Logistics for the shoot day
  • The schedules and milestones
  • The delivery plan for the film
  • Any other things you require (i.e. highlights packages, social media edits or accompanying photography)


From the project discovery meeting we will provide you with a dossier which outlines every aspect of the project for your approval.

  • A fully broken-down budget, detailing all of the costs for the project
  • A creative brief outlining the aims of the film, the camera placement and any specific notes you have made.
  • A shooting schedule.
  • A deliverable sheet listing all of technical details of the content we will be providing.




Once you have agreed and signed off on the Project Documents we will move ahead with the production.

With theatre productions we ideally like to bring the team to a performance a day or so before the shoot, so all of our operators understand the blocking and structure of the show. During this preview we will make notes and speak to you about queries about the shoot day.



On the day, our aim is to create as little interference as possible with the show. We have years of experience working with live audiences and fully understand the intricate inner workings of theatres.

If possible, we get to the venue as it opens and spend all day prepping the equipment and making sure everything is prepared.

Our sound recordist will speak to the sound team and coordinate the optimum sound recording strategy.

In our experience, wherever possible, it is best to film multiple performances for the show, ideally a matinee and an evening performance, this give us more options for the post production and provides a safety-net for any hiccups within the performances.




Once we finish shooting we will take the footage back to our top of the range post production suite and begin the next phase of the project.

During this phase we will complete a full assembly edit and colour grade, as well as create any of the below, if required:

  • Motion graphics
  • Sound design
  • Special effects
  • Titles


Once we have completed the first draft of the edit we will provide you with a link to our specialist video reviewing platform which will simplify the process of you and your team giving your thoughts on the project.

Once you submit your notes we will amend the film and re-upload it to the reviewing site to give you another chance to pass on your thoughts and ensure that you are 100% satisfied before we complete the project.



Once the project is complete and you are delighted with the result, we will provide you with a package which will include an exported version of the film specifically tailored to each platform you intent to host the film on. We can also offer re-framed versions of the project in different aspect ratios if you are looking to create bespoke exports for specific devices.

Ready to get started on your next project?

Let's talk! Get in touch with our team today.

Get in Touch