
A Manchester-based documentary video production agency

Engaging documentary video production

It’s often said that we’re living through a golden age of documentary film production. New technology, easier travel, and more ways for people to access intelligent media have allowed more people to create documentaries that challenge, inform and inspire.

At the same time that documentary production has become more accessible, it’s also become more difficult to get noticed. Having a strong, compelling idea will get you so far, but it’s also important to ensure that a documentary has equally strong production values. Working with experienced documentary production companies can give your documentary ideas the edge. Bringing the latest technology, wide professional production experience, and expertise in editing and preparing your film for wider release, documentary production companies in Manchester, give compelling stories the best platform on which to shine.

At Eight Engines, we work with companies, individuals, and institutions to create compelling documentaries on a wide range of topics. If you have the ideas and a story to tell, then we have the expertise to bring that story to life.

Why make a documentary film?

Documentary film production companies are involved with the creation of documentaries on an expanding range of topics. A good documentary may educate, inform, or entertain, and often will be a combination of all three. They are a powerful form of storytelling that can spark conversation, preserve history, or lift the lid on little-known human experiences. Whether it’s through personal narratives, investigative journalism, or campaigns, a good documentary can help people expand and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Some of the reasons that inspire individuals and organisations to produce documentary films include:

Uncovering Hidden Stories

Documentaries can shine a light on hidden aspects of history, society, or personal stories. They sometimes expose truths that are stranger than fiction.

Observe Real Life

Documentaries capture real-life moments, human experiences, struggles overcome, and life-changing events.

Make An Argument

Documentary filmmakers sometimes use documentaries to build a case, explore an issue, and make a compelling argument. Alternatively, they may use the investigative platform that a documentary gives them to critique an existing argument. These can be powerful tools to change minds and win hearts.

Challenge Assumptions

Documentaries can get under the skin of areas of life that we think we understand, revealing new perspectives and challenging assumptions. 

Profile Unique Characters

Documentaries allow filmmakers to explore the lives of fascinating individuals, exploring their struggles and triumphs, and uncovering their unique perspectives.

There is an almost limitless number of creative, investigative, campaigning, and commercial reasons why someone may approach documentary production companies.

If you have a compelling idea that you think would make an interesting documentary, then why not explore what might be possible?

Who do we produce documentaries for?

As one of the leading documentary film production companies in the UK we produce industry-quality documentaries for a wide range of clients. That client list is growing all the time, along with the diversity of topics and approaches we are asked to produce. Some of the different kinds of clients we work with include:


An increasing number of private companies are looking to produce documentaries about their field of expertise, their company story, or some aspect of the work that deserves greater attention. These may be targeted at investors, their customers, or other industry partners and professionals, expanding the knowledge base within their sector, answering difficult questions, or drawing attention to overlooked areas of the industry.


Not everyone has the time or technical expertise to turn that idea for a documentary into a reality. A documentary production company can help a passionate individual with a story to tell, or something they’d like to investigate, to create a professional documentary film that exceeds their expectations.

Campaigning Organisations

Organisations interested in particular issues often create documentaries that help them get the message across. These may be exposes, investigative journalism, emotional stories, or campaign journals, that illuminate and reinforce the aims of the organisation.

Why choose Eight Engines for documentary film production?

Eight Engines is the leading video production company in the North West. We work with clients in Manchester and beyond to create compelling, professional, and persuasive documentary films that engage and inspire.

With extensive professional experience in TV and film production, Eight Engines brings industry-leading production standards to every project. Unlike other production companies, our clients retain all the rights to the material we produce for them, meaning that your completed documentary is yours and yours alone.

If you’d like to find out more about working with the best, contact us today.

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Documentary Video Projects

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Frequently asked questions

Things that clients often ask us about documentary video production.

Can anyone make
a documentary?

Anyone with a great idea, a passion for a subject, or a compelling story to tell can make a documentary when they work with a professional documentary company.

Are documentaries cheap
to make?

The overall cost of a documentary will depend on a range of factors such as the length of the documentary, the work involved, travel and other related costs, and post-production elements. Documentaries can be cheaper to produce than other forms of video often requiring a smaller production budget. A documentary film production company will be able to provide a realistic quote for your idea.

What are the different styles
of documentaries?

There is a diverse range of styles of documentary, reflecting different perspectives, priorities, and creative outlooks. Six of the most popular include:

Explanatory Documentaries

Explanatory documentaries aim to inform and educate the audience on a specific topic or issue. It might use interviews, voice-over narration, and archival footage.

Fly-on-the-Wall Documentaries

Observational documentaries capture real people and real-life events with minimal intervention from the filmmaker. The camera acts as an observer.


A humorous, often satirical, style of film that mimics the style and conventions of a documentary for comic effect. Mockumentaries often blur the line between fact and fiction.

Visual Storytelling

The poetic style of documentary filmmaking prioritises visual and emotional impact over narrative. They often deploy abstract, artistic techniques and non-linear editing to create a particular atmosphere. 

Personal Perspective

Personal perspective emphasises the experience and perspective of the filmmaker. Blending subjective reflections with factual content, encouraging viewers to ask questions and consider their assumptions.

Participatory Documentaries

In participatory documentaries, the filmmaker engages with the subject, becoming part of the narrative. This approach can create a more personal and subjective exploration of the issues.

What is the most popular type
of documentary?

The principal factors in the popularity of a documentary is not the type of documentary it is, but the story being told and the film’s production. Well-told stories, with great production, have the potential to be widely watched.

How do I contact a Producer
with an idea?

Get in touch! Our experienced team would love to hear more about your idea and to tell you about how we can turn it into reality.

Ready to get started on your next project?

Let's talk! Get in touch with our team today.