The dos and don'ts of video classes
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact across society. One business sector that was badly hit by restrictions was face-to-face tutoring. Whether it’s yoga classes, language classes, dance or anything else, the UK has one of the strongest leisure and adult education sectors in the world.
In 2016, an incredible 44.4% of people aged 25-64 took part in education and training, the majority of which were participating in non-formal education and training. As the virus began to spread and face-to-face classes were cancelled, tutors had to look at new ways to teach their students.
Is video tuition still needed and what are its advantages?
With people now beginning to look towards life after Covid-19 and with the gradual resumption of face-to-face classes, it might be tempting to think that there’s no longer any need to consider alternatives. That could be a mistake. Although the future looks more promising, nothing is guaranteed and it should be a priority for any business to build in resilience.
Video tutoring allows you to flexibly continue to carry out classes. It can also become another income stream in itself, helping you to broaden out your potential market. With online teaching you are able to engage with students around the world. They can also help you to build your brand in your local area, helping to establish your credibility and expertise.
Should you make your videos free to access?
There are different business models that are often used in conjunction with online video. Firstly, you can make your videos free to access. This has the advantage of broadening your potential audience, helping you to build your brand, possibly globally. This can work if you have something else that you want to sell, such as a book, events or face-to-face classes.
During Covid-19, people such as yoga teachers switched to online videos and tutoring which they made freely available but asked for a donation through online platforms such as Patreon or Kofi.
An alternative model is to make your videos available via subscription. This is less about building a brand and a huge audience and more about finding a means to communicate with a smaller, perhaps existing audience who are willing to pay for your teaching.
A third option is to blend the two, with some content freely available to attract new people and build your brand, but with more specialist and tailored content available for your subscribers.
The top 10 dos and don’ts of video classes
If you’ve decided you want to create video classes there are a few dos and don’ts to consider:
- Don’t just replicate your face-to-face classes
- Online classes work differently to face-to-face teaching. Your videos will need to be shorter and your presentation may have to change.
- Do keep them short
- Although the length of your class may vary depending on what you’re teaching, as a general rule shorter videos are more likely to hold someone’s attention but don't make them so short they’re basically an advert. Someone is much more likely to be able to commit twenty minutes rather than an hour.
- Do use a range of different elements
- Although a simple talk to camera video may work for some subjects, most will require more visual stimulation. Think about how you can use animation, text and other elements such as music.
- Do have a script
- Make sure you know what you’re going to say when and make sure it’s tailored for the medium.
- Do remember there won’t be any immediate interaction
- Face-to-face teaching is a dynamic process involving interaction. You won’t have that when creating video teaching. How will you replicate that sense of dynamism and engagement?
- Don’t forget to consider your business model
- Are you going to offer free videos or will you sell your videos to subscribers? How will it fit in with the rest of your business?
- Do consider your objectives
- What do you want to achieve with each video class in terms of both learning outcomes and business goals?
- Do consider how your videos will be shared
- What platform do you intend to use? Will they be made available on social media, YouTube or via your website?
- Don’t forget that people are looking for quality content
- The market for video teaching across a wide range of disciplines is growing. Why should someone choose your classes over someone else’s?
- Do use professional video services
- While it may be easy to create basic video content yourself if you really want your videos to stand out in a crowded field you need professional help. At Eight Engines, we have the creative and technical expertise to create outstanding video classes that engage your audience from the first few seconds.
- We’d love to hear about what you do and share how we can help. Why not get in touch today?
Other Useful Resources
Making a documentary: An expert guide
Sky AdSmart
How to shoot video using your smartphone
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