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Why a brand refresh is important?

Why a brand refresh is important?

 Successful brand identities may gradually lose their impact over time. What worked a decade ago may not be as relevant today. Many brands discover diminishing returns from their marketing efforts which can be perplexing. If your marketing campaigns no longer deliver results or you’re aware that the market is changing, then it may be time for a brand refresh.

What is a brand refresh?

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, maintaining a strong and relevant brand is crucial for success. A brand refresh can breathe new life into your business. It involves updating and refining your brand's visual identity, messaging, and positioning to align with current market trends and effectively engage your target audience.

It’s important to remember that a brand refresh is not a rebranding. The latter is a more thoroughgoing exercise designed to rethink everything about your brand and how it is presented.

Why do a brand refresh?

The goal of a brand refresh is to revitalise and strengthen your brand's identity, perception, and relevance. The business environment is highly dynamic, and a brand refresh allows you to adapt and stay relevant amidst the changing market conditions.

By refreshing your brand, you can effectively communicate your value proposition, differentiate from competitors, attract new customers, and re-engage existing ones. It is an opportunity to reflect on the evolution of your business, refine your brand positioning, and create a strong emotional connection with your target audience.

It creates an opportunity for fresh thinking and new approaches that can revolutionise how you develop marketing campaigns and communicate with your target audience.

Five signs your company might need a brand refresh

There are often some clear indicators that it might be time to refresh your brand. These include:

The brand colours are outdated

Your choice of colour palette will impact your brand recognition. In fact, not only does your colour palette increase your brand recognition, but it also influences your brand personality. Because colour trends are always changing, it may be time to refresh your brand colours as part of your brand refresh strategy to remain relevant to your audience.

Your brand is inconsistent

Over time, small tweaks to brand elements such as the logo, colour, imagery, type choice and voice can all grow to become significant changes. Over time, your brand identity may start to look inconsistent and can become confusing. When you have an inconsistent brand it can lead to a loss of trust and lack of recognition from your target audience.

Your brand personality is outdated

Times change, as too do customer expectations. What was once a winning brand personality for your business may slowly become dated. In this case, it’s time to revisit your brand personality and ensure that the values and ideas on which it’s based reflect contemporary priorities.

Your marketing materials haven’t been updated for years

If it’s been some time since your brand materials have been updated, then it may be time to conduct a brand refresh. Take a look at each of your brand elements and assess whether or not they may benefit from being modernised.

Your brand no longer has the same impact

Tastes, fashions and priorities change and when they do the salience of particular brands and brand identities can wane. If your marketing efforts are achieving increasingly modest results then it may be time to revisit your brand.

When to do a brand refresh?

A brand refresh should be conducted when you believe that your current brand is no longer delivering results, is increasingly out of touch or feels dated. It shouldn’t be done too often as it can be confusing for your target audience. Equally, failing to refresh a declining brand will only lead to poorer results.

What should a brand refresh include?

A brand refresh should involve a thorough review of all your brand elements such as your logo, colour palette, marketing materials, tone of voice and brand personality. A brand awareness video can help you communicate any changes you make to your brand.

Refresh your brand with a brand video from Eight Engines

At Eight Engines, we can develop a brand awareness video that communicates your refreshed brand to your target audience. It can be a great way to announce your brand refresh, communicating a dynamic forward-looking business that understands the priorities and preferences of its customers.

Our talented brand video production team makes the process simple while ensuring the maximum return on your investment.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help.


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